How To Calculate 20 Percent Off A Price

The 20 percent off offer attracts many of us, but calculating the amount and deducting 20 percent is a task in itself. You may feel embarrassed calling the salesperson several times to find out the price after the deduction.

Knowing how to calculate discounts is valuable, especially in today’s world, where deals and sales are everywhere. Understanding how to calculate 20 percent off a price can save you time and money, whether you’re shopping online or in-store.

This blog will provide a simple and effective guide to help you quickly calculate discounts and make the most of your purchases.

How To Calculate 20 Percent Off

Knowing how to calculate 20 percent off helps you make informed purchasing decisions. When you see a sale, you can quickly determine if the discount is worth it. Second, it saves you from relying on store signs or sales associates who might mislead you into buying a high-priced product.

Calculating 20 percent off a price is simple; follow these steps and you’ll get a correct answer:

  1. Convert the percentage to a decimal: To calculate 20 percent off, you need to convert 20 percent to a decimal. This is done by dividing 20 by 100, resulting in 0.20.
  2. Multiply the original price by the decimal: Once you have the decimal, multiply it by the original price. This gives you the discount amount.
  3. Subtract the discount amount from the original price: Finally, subtract the discount amount from the original price to find the sale price.

For example, if an item costs $50:

  1. Convert 20 percent to a decimal: 20 ÷ 100 = 0.20
  2. Multiply the original price by the decimal: $50 × 0.20 = $10
  3. Subtract the discount amount from the original price: $50 – $10 = $40

Easy Method Of Calculating 20 Percent Off With A Calculator

Knowing how to calculate 20 percent off will help boosts your financial literacy, allowing you to manage your money better and avoid overspending. Understanding these calculations can also be useful when budgeting or comparing prices between different stores.

However, you can also use a calculator to do these calculations. Using a calculator can make the process even easier. Follow the steps below if you are using a calculator to find off of a price.

  1. Enter the original price: Type the original price into the calculator.
  2. Multiply by 0.20: This step gives you the discount amount. You may find the multiply sign marked with an (X).
  3. Subtract the discount amount from the original price. You may find the minus sign mentioned like this (–).

For instance, for an item priced at $75:

  1. Enter the original price: 75
  2. Multiply by 0.20: 75 × 0.20 = 15
  3. Subtract the discount amount from the original price: 75 – 15 = 60

Tips And Tricks To Get Accurate Answers

Simple tips and tricks can help you get accurate answers in less time and make you proficient in your calculations. Here are the tips you should consider to help you to calculate the percentage off of a price.

  1. Double-check your math: Always review your calculations to ensure accuracy.
  2. Use a reliable calculator: Make sure it functions correctly, whether it’s a physical calculator or a smartphone app.
  3. Practice regularly: The more you practice calculating discounts, the quicker and more accurate you’ll become.
  4. Use online discount calculators: Many websites offer discount calculators that can quickly compute percentages for you.


Knowing how to calculate 20 percent off is valuable to help you manage your budget more effectively. Whether you do it manually or use a calculator, the process is simple and can be mastered with practice.

Always remember to double-check your calculations to ensure accuracy. By following these simple steps, you can determine discounts and make smarter purchasing decisions. Happy shopping!

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